Laser Cut Letters
Laser cutting technology also allows for finer detail and smaller text than a CNC routing machine can achieve. For dimensional letters, cutting acrylic for first or second surface painting cuts the preparation time for painting in half and allows for quicker completion times. Laser Letter cutting is limited to acrylic and wood sign products, our state of the art CNC routers can cut everything.
When you need to make an impression on the world in a big way, stand out with custom sign lettering. From a business store front sign, to lettering on a window, we here at Laser Cutting Shapes can help
We make the process of creating a lettered sign easy for you. Pick out the material you would like to use to create your custom lettering, which can be created from a variety of fonts. Decide how you would like to finish the sign letters, which can be painted with Pantone colors or laminated. When the letters are ready to be mounted onto a wall or window they can either be attached with adhesives, or held in place by studs.
Laser cut Letters also affords you lots of options from flat panel to individual letters to even backlit or edge-lit designs. For those artsy types who want to bring some uniformity to hand-painted signs (especially if it’s a design or text that is often repeated), you can cut custom stencils out of clear plastic PETG or other thin stock, too.
Interested in our Laser Cut Letters for your business? Give us a call and our sign expert will be more than happy to assist you with the project from providing expert opinions based on safety regulations to creating an eye catching signage that meets all your specific needs.