Signs4sa provides all Signage Services to help implement your dream.
As one of SA'S No 1 Signage suppliers, sign manufacturing requires advanced product knowledge, consistency in product quality, performance, global view in sign maintenance, design and the need for signage rentals..
The classic single pole sign offers a simple and economical solution for elevating your identity over obstructions. The single pole design is also ideal for high rise structures at heights such as 80 ft to 100 ft for long distance visibility....
Table flags, also recognized as desk flags, are small but a vastly effective way of promoting your business or brand as a showpiece at any event, or signage in the office set up. Choose from national flags, or create your own design using our design team or brand logos, depending on your requirements.
Non-illuminated signs are the perfect for choice for businesses located in a historic downtown area who may not be allowed to use any illuminated signs.
Outdoor locations are becoming increasingly popular for the installation of digital signage. There is a lot more to the requirements of outdoor digital signage though with the LCD enclosure that protect the screens having to be waterproof and contain adeq
Vinyl billboards has a much brighter appearance, which are more alluring than ordinary billboards. They are regularly spread painted with an UV defensive paint – and can keep going for quite a long time.